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Javascript Ajax Post Array

AJAX: A Comprehensive Guide to Sending and Receiving Data

Sending JSON Data to the Server

To send a JSON encoded string to the server using jQuery, follow these steps:

1. Use the JSONstringify Method

Pass your JavaScript object through the JSON.stringify method to convert it into a JSON string.

const data = JSON.stringify(myObject);

2. Pass the JSON String as the Data Parameter

In the data parameter of the jQuery ajax function, pass the JSON string.

$.ajax({ url: "submit.php", type: "POST", data: data, });

Handling AJAX POST Requests in PHP

To handle AJAX POST requests in PHP:

1. Create a PHP File to Receive Data

Create a PHP file, such as getDataphp, to retrieve the data from the incoming request.

2. Retrieve Values from the _POST Array

In the PHP file, you can access the data sent via the POST request from the _POST superglobal.

$data = $_POST['data'];
